The price of 2250 Euro per week is FULLY INCLUSIVE
(collection from Florence airport, trainstation or
hotel), all tuition (3-4 hours daily), accomodation
(based on two people sharing a double room), all afternoon
outings, all food and unlimited wine, coffee and tea.
This price does not include flights.
Payment by bank transfer to:
Heidi Lascelles
Bank name: Banca di Credito Cooperativo del Chianti
Filiale: Tavarnelle Val di Pesa (Firenze) Italy
ABI code: 08802
CAB code: 38121
Account Number: 000000043516
If you are not in European Monetary Union, please
Swift Code: ICRA IT 3F MA0
If you are in European Monetary Union, please write:
Swift Code: ICRA IT 3F MA0
and also IBAN Code: IT97 K 08802 38121 000000043516